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Accreditation of Experience

At Northern Regional College we recognise and value your learning gained through previous experience. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is the process where you can request credit for learning that you have acquired through life experiences (such as uncertificated or unaccredited training or workplace learning), demonstrating that it is equivalent to the achievement of the learning outcomes for a specific module or level of study.

Examples of experiential learning are:

  • Work experience (paid, unpaid or voluntary)
  • Non certificated training

Accrediting your previous learning and/or experience means that you can use it to:

  • gain entry into higher education (Level 4 and above courses); and/or
  • count towards your course requirements.

How to apply

You must contact the appropriate higher education course director or admissions by 12 August, with the exception of Foundation Degree in Counselling which is 26 April, of the year the course is due to start for full details and criteria for the APEL application process. NOTE: your APEL must be relevant to the course you wish to study.  It is at the College’s discretion to consider APEL enquiries after the dates stated.