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Enrol for September 2025

It's not too late to enrol!

We have limited places available on our courses ranging from Level 2 to Level 6 across our campuses starting in September. Whether you want to climb the career ladder, change your career direction, progress to university and/or employment or just learn something new for fun, we have a course for you!  And, the good news is there is still time for us to help you find the perfect course and enrol for September.   Browse our courses at nrc.ac.uk and follow the simple online enrolment steps below to help you on your way to become a student at Northern Regional College.

If you would like to discuss your application or options available, call into your local campus.

Here our some simple instructions and FAQs to help you become a student at Northern Regional College.

Already Applied?

To secure your place on a course you must enrol online after you submit your application. 

Enrol Online 

Good news! You can enrol online from the comfort of your own home – it’s quick and simple! Follow our step-by-step guide below.

Step 1: Login to the application portal or download the NRC Engage App from Google Play or Apple Store

  • Review your application(s) – if you would like to change or withdraw your application(s) contact admissions@nrc.ac.uk
  • Select your course preference. For example: 1st or 2nd choice. Enrolment will be based on your highest preference, where possible.
  • Accept or reject your offer - if you have not already done so.

Step 2: When you receive your results, you are now ready to enrol online

  • Log in to the application portal
  • Select "Evidence" from the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the webpage.
  • Select "Evidence Type"
  • Select the "Choose Files" button in the "File(s) To Upload" section.
  • Select the file you need to upload.
  • Select "UPLOAD".  NOTE: The results you have uploaded must match the information you have provided within the qualifications section of your application.

Step 3: You must ensure you have uploaded the following information

  • One form of official photographic ID. For example, we can accept one of the following as official photographic ID - Driving Licence, Biometric Residence Permit or a Passport.
  • Alternatively, you can upload one form of non-official photographic ID, for example a ‘ylink’ Card, along with a copy of your Birth or Adoption Certificate.
  • Please note: If you have legally changed your name, we will also require official evidence of this to be uploaded to your account.
  • Take clear photographs or screenshots of your official exam results or certificates (If you do not provide evidence of how you meet the entry criteria to the course, you will not be enrolled on the course)

For Work-based learning courses (Training/Apprenticeships) you must upload the following additional documentation to the evidence section:

  • Vision Verification Form (Electrical Installation Applicants ONLY)
  • Employer Response Form (Apprenticeships or Work Placements)
  • One form of official photographic ID.  Alternatively, you can upload one form of non-official photographic ID, for example a ‘ylink’ Card, along with a copy of your Birth or Adoption Certificate.
  • Official evidence of your National Insurance Number. For example, a letter from HMRC.

Step 4: Verification of results

Staff will now validate your results. If you have met the entry requirement and there are places left on your first preference course, you will then be enrolled onto this course and contacted by the College with your induction information. Where there are more applicants than places on the course, we will contact you.

Step 5: Induction

Once enrolled, you will receive an email from the College providing your induction details such as start date and time.

Not Yet Applied?

Don’t panic! If you have not already applied, you can do so online right now, for all full-time and part-time courses at nrc.ac.uk. We have from a wide range of courses and subject areas including:

Access to University
Built Environment, Engineering, Motor Vehicle & Science
Business and Computing
Creative Industries – TV & Film, Performing Arts, Digital Media
Essential Skills/GCSE/ESOL
Hair and Beauty
Health and Social Care, Childcare
Hospitality, Tourism & Sport

When you submit your online application, you will receive an email that the College has received your application. You should now continue to enrolment by following the steps outlined above in “Already Applied?”

Returning Student

You don’t have to do anything as returning students are automatically pre-enrolled onto the next year of your course. We will contact you in late August with your start date for the 2024/25 academic year.

Need Help?

Application/Technical enquiries – admissions@nrc.ac.uk
Careers enquiries – careers@nrc.ac.uk
Education support – educationsupport@nrc.ac.uk
Student Finance – studentfinance@nrc.ac.uk
Student Support – student.support@nrc.ac.uk
Exams (Ballymena/Magherafelt) – ta.exams@nrc.ac.uk
Exams (Newtownabbey) – na.exams@nrc.ac.uk
Exams (Coleraine/Ballymoney) – cr.exams@nrc.ac.uk

We look forward to you joining us at Northern Regional College.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Don’t panic! We are still accepting applications. Come along to our Enrolment Days and discuss your options with us or apply online today at www.nrc.ac.uk and select from our wide range of courses and subject areas:  

Access to University
Built Environment, Engineering & Science
Business and Computing
Creative Industries – TV & Film, Performing Arts, Digital Media
Essential Skills/GCSE/ESOL
Hair and Beauty
Health and Social Care, Childcare
Hospitality, Tourism & Sport 

When you submit your online application, you will receive an email that the College has received your application. You should now continue to follow the steps outlined under the enrolment process. 

If you haven’t achieved the entry requirements for the course you have applied for, don’t worry, there are other courses and options that can be discussed during our enrolment days, or you can contact our careers team via email careers@nrc.ac.uk.   

Follow the simple steps at how to apply.  

You can access the application portal via your web broswer at: https://ebsontrackprospect.nrc.ac.uk or download the NRC Engage App from Google Play or Apple Store.

You will need your username and password.

Your username was sent to you in an email when you applied. Please check your spam and junk folders for this.

Enter the username or email address associated with your account into the Admissions Portal “Sign into your account” section and then select “Forgot password?” A password reset link will be sent to you. Once you have received this, you will be able to choose a new password for your account.

Alternatively, email servicedesk@nrc.ac.uk to request your password is reset or email admissions@nrc.ac.uk and a member of the admissions team will forward your request on. 

Please check your emails regularly, as the password reset link sent to you will expire.

  1. Log in to the application portal
  2. Select "Evidence" from the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the webpage
  3. Select "Evidence Type"
  4. Select  the "Choose Files" button in the "File(s) To Upload" section. 
  5. Select the file you need to upload
  6. Select "UPLOAD" 

NOTE: The results you have uploaded must match the information you have provided within the qualifications section of your application.

Updating Contact Details

  1. Log in to the application portal
  2. Select "Personal Details"
  3. Update as necessary
  4. Select "SAVE" 

Please note: it is vital that you keep your email address and mobile phone number up to date so the College can contact you regarding your application.

If there is another course you would like to apply for, please follow these steps:

  1. Use the search box to find courses that you would be interested in applying for. Add the course you would like to apply for by clicking ADD COURSE TO BASKET. 
  2. When you have finished adding courses to your basket, select View Basket and Apply Now and you will be redirected to the online admissions portal.
  3. You will need to log in to your account
  4. Check all the information we have for your application is correct
  5. Upload a copy of your ID and exam results
  6. Select submit application
  7. Select your course preference – For example: 1st or 2nd choice.  For more information please see ‘How do I change my course preference?

If you require the preferences of your application:

  1. Log in to the application portal
  2. Select "Homepage"
  3. Scroll to the "Send a comment, question or feedback" area.
  4. Select the "Applications - assistance required" category.

Let us know in the comments the order you would like your applications to follow, for example: "Please can you change my application for Level 3 Health and Social Care to my first choice and Hairdressing – Level 2 Diploma as my second choice.

Higher Education (Post-18 options: Level 4 and above inc Higher Level Apprenticeships)
Thursday 15 August – 9.30am-3.30pm

Further Education (Post-16 options – Traineeships/Apprenticeships, Level 1-3)
Thursday 22 August – 9.30am-3.30pm

Clearing Day (All Courses)
Tuesday 27 August - 10am-3pm

Discover Days 
Wednesday 11 September - 3pm-5pm
Wednesday 18 September - 3pm-5pm

Applications for Transport Assistance are in respect of FULL-TIME attendance at a Further Education College. 

Some students may be eligible to financial assistance to cover transport costs. You can view all the relevant information regarding this at the Education Authorities (EA) website.

To check your eligibility and/or apply for transport assistance please visit the Education Authority website to complete an online application.

Applications for further education transport assistance for the academic year 24/25 are due to open on 20 August 2024 at 12 noon , all applications must be submitted through the EA website.

The Education Authority (EA) for Northern Ireland is responsible for assessing the eligibility for Free School Meals based on Department of Education (DE) / Department for the Economy (DfE) criteria.  You can view all the relevant information regarding this and apply for Free School Meals at the Education Authorities website.

There are a range of funds you can apply for to help you with course related costs. Funding applications are assessed using guidance issued by the Government and most are based on personal circumstance such as income thresholds. The Student Finance Team can assist you with financial matters and help you to apply for any appropriate grants or awards that are available.  For further information visit our student finance section or email studentfinance@nrc.ac.uk

If you require support from the College with your educational needs you can complete an online referral form. The Education Support team will then contact you to discuss your needs and how we can best meet them or alternatively email educationsupport@nrc.ac.uk and one of the team will be happy to help you. 

As a returning student you don’t have to do anything, you are automatically pre-enrolled onto the next year of your course. We will email you in late August with your start date for the 2024/25 academic year. 

We look forward to welcoming you onto campus in September to commence your studies with us.

For your information, courses are planned to start induction on the following weeks:

Week Commencing 2nd September:

  • Inclusive learning courses (Route2Work, Transition2College, Transition2Work and Pathways to Employment Year 1).
  • Further Education/Traineeship induction Year 1.

Week Commencing 2nd September:

  • Returning full-time Further Education students. For example: Year 2 students.
  • Work Based Learning (returners).
  • Inclusive learning courses (Pathways to Employment Year 2 and Transition2Work).

Week Commencing 9th September:

  • All part-time day Further Education

Week Commencing 16th September:

  • All part-time and full-time Higher Education (new students and returners).
  • All part-time evening Further Education.

You will receive an email in August from your course coordinator with further details on your specific course start date (date, time, campus etc). Please check your emails regularly.