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Guidance for staff on working remotely

  • Choose your workspace sensibly - if possible try to work somewhere that enables you to protect the information on your laptop and any papers that you may have. Try to work in a study or spare room, and if you have to work in communal areas, try to make sure that your work cannot be seen by others. Remember that others do not need to know what you are working on.  All data protection measures should be applied.
  • If you have to make a sensitive phone call, make sure you cannot be overheard – voices can carry further than you may think. When using video conferencing, make sure other people are not in the room with you, and take the steps to maintain confidentiality  
  • Protect paperwork - identify a secure storage location for your electronic assets and make sure that your papers get put away when not being worked on.
  • Lock up all work assets and papers when not in use. Do not tell other people where you are storing them!  If you need to dispose of protectively marked paperwork it must either be shredded, or stored for return to work for shredding in the office. Do not throw it in the bin. 
  • IT equipment - please note that you MUST adhere with security guidelines, and exercise appropriate caution.
  • Look after yourself -  take regular breaks. Get some exercise. Team meetings will continue to take place online and keep in touch with your colleagues and team members.
  • Check-In: It’s important to check in with your manager at least once a day; remain connected by keeping communication lines open. Let your line manager know if you have any spare capacity to assist your colleagues who may be overloaded with tasks at this time

 Home Working Safety

The health and safety of all staff remains a priority.  Working at home can offer a range of potential benefits but there are also associated hazards. Please be aware of the following hazards:

  • Trips/Falls – risk of injury from poor cable management, unsecure matting/floor surfaces etc
  • Electricity – risk of electric shock or burns from defective work equipment/cables
  • Display Screen Equipment – risk of upper limb or back discomfort from poor posture and long periods of work
  • Manual Handling - risk of musculoskeletal injury from excessive weight or carrying distance i.e. moving furniture to create work space
  • Lone Working – specific medical condition
  • Psychological – stress or anxiety from change of work pattern or isolation etc.

Good Practice Guide

  • Ensure adequate space to work comfortably promoting good housekeeping practices
  • Survey work area for potential slip or trip hazards and remove accordingly
  • Avoid trailing cables
  • Inspect cables regularly for any signs of damage
  • Switch off electrical items when not in use to prevent overheating
  • Avoid seating on unsupportive seating and minimise static posture
  • Promote frequent screen break intervals i.e. 5 mins each hour
  • Avoid clutter that restricts movement
  • Position yourself away from direct sunlight to avoid glare
  • Avoid lifting of heavy or awkward items by seeking help if available
  • Ensure work items are within easy reach to avoid awkward reaching
  • Ensure there is adequate contact and communication with key staff
  • Any concerns with safety or your personal well-being should be reported to your Line Manager
  • Report work-related accidents or incidents to your Line Manager