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Students’ Union

“Inspiring and empowering students to take charge of their education”

The Students’ Union of Northern Regional College represents students across all campuses and is governed by the College’s Student Leadership Team. Our mission is to empower students to take charge of their education and create a vibrant student community.

What we aim for

Representation: We proudly represent all full-time and part-time students in further education, higher education, and work-based learning. Your voice matters, and we strive to ensure your interests and concerns are heard.
Support: We are committed to supporting the education of our members. Whether it's providing resources, guidance, or advocating for student-friendly policies, we're here to help you thrive academically.
Student Voice: Your opinions and ideas matter. We provide a platform for the expression of the student voice within the College. We encourage you to share your thoughts on all matters of interest to students and actively contribute to shaping your college experience.
Student Welfare: Your well-being is our priority. We promote the general welfare of students by fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. We're here to ensure your college journey is not only academically fulfilling but also personally rewarding.
Engagement: We believe in the power of student activities and events. Through our vibrant calendar of events, we encourage you to engage, connect, and make lifelong memories. Explore a variety of extracurricular activities that align with your interests and broaden your horizons.

Get involved

To get involved with the Students' Union at Northern Regional College, there are several ways you can participate:

Class Reps: The Students' Union recruits and trains class representatives who serve as a voice for the students. They provide an opportunity for you to speak up and be heard.
Student Union Officers: The student leadership team consists of elected officers who play a crucial role in running the Students' Union. Getting involved in this team can help you stand out on your CV and UCAS applications.
Organise Student Activities: The student leadership team, in collaboration with the student engagement officer, coordinates various activities throughout the year. This includes organising campaigns, clubs & societies, sports teams, and workshops/training related to enrichment themes.

Available Student Officer Roles in the Student Leadership Team:

Students' Union President
Vice President
Further Education Officer
Higher Education Officer
Work-Based Learning Officer
Activities Officer
Women's Officer
LGBT Officer
Disability Officer
Mental Health Officer
Entrepreneurship Officer

All students are encouraged to participate in organising events, supporting campaigns, and fundraisers. To get involved or for more information, you can contact the Students' Union at studentsunion@nrc.ac.uk.

Stay Connected

To stay updated with the latest news from the Students' Union, you can follow their social media channels @nrcsu