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Siobhan McEldowney

Job Title: Lecturer in Health & Social Care and Programme Manager for Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Healthcare Practice

Department: Health, Social Care and Access

Previous Roles/Industry Experience: Over 20 years experience in teaching Health & Social Care, bronze winner of Pearson Award for Teaching Excellence, Mentorship role to support students to develop and achieve their full academic potential.

Tell us why students should study your course/subject area at Northern Regional College: Students who are interested in pursuing health professions jobs, would benefit from this 1 year HNC Healthcare Practice course at it allows them to progress to university to study various related subjects such as Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Paramedics. 

Most rewarding part of your job: Watching learners as their confidence grows as they develop in their career and expand their skills in the workplace. 

Most memorable moment at Northern Regional College: Feeling very proud of all team members who have helped learners achieve their goals and obtaining their qualification.