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What Are Transversal Skills?

Transversal skills are skills that can be used in a wide variety of situations in life and in work. The term ‘transversal’ refers to the way these skills cut across different tasks and job roles. Below is a list of transversal skills.

Working With Others

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication - Ability to confidently express themselves using clear verbal and non-verbal communication. (Language production).
Listening and Empathy - Ability to listen and take on board information. Can understand others’ perceptions, opinions, concerns and can provide respectable feedback when appropriate. May include others and create space for their opinions and concerns. (Reception & communication).

Work Professionalism

Commitment - Ability to maintain a professional attitude, showing consideration and respect for others in the workplace.


Self-Initiative - Ability to identify and take opportunities, to use self-initiative and recognise how important this is in personal development.
Risk - Ability to undertake tasks beyond comfort zone and to calculate risks, make decisions and be accountable.
Time Management - Ability to identify tasks and plan, prioritise and adapt when faced with changing circumstances.

Digital Literacy

Health, Safety and Security - Ability to stay healthy, safe, and legal online – protecting data, identity and wellbeing, including online transaction and digital footprint.
Information and Data Literacy - Ability to handle information – find, interpret, and evaluate information and data from multiple sources using a range of devices.
Digital Content Creation - Ability to identify and use appropriate software to design and display content for different purposes and audiences including e-portfolios.
Connecting and Collaborating Effectively Online - Ability to interact with others - communicate, collaborate and network effectively using digital tools for projects and social interaction.
Learning and Working Online - Ability to learn and work in a blended environment - using digital tools to learn, manage tasks and complete assessments/assignments.

Problem-Solving and Decision Making

Creativity and Innovation - Ability to identify problems and come up with effective solutions and make decisions using innovative and creative thinking.


Citizenship - Ability to confidently demonstrate intercultural understanding through working in diverse groups.