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Northern Regional College students urged to make yLink savings


Group holding prop with ylink information

With Northern Regional College (NRC) students settling into their first semester of university and college, Translink is reminding all 16-23-year-olds to avail of the free yLink card which offers card holders 50% off all bus and rail services across Northern Ireland. More young people than ever are now choosing public transport as the smarter, greener way to stay better connected to university, college, work, and to socialise with family and friends with a massive 52% increase in journeys.

The latest figures were unveiled as part of Translink’s engagement with young people during the busy fresher week activities where Translink teams were on hand to showcase the yLink product and help students with all their travel and ticketing needs as they started the new student year.

Translink’s yLink card, is free to access for 16–23-year-olds, and currently offers a 50% discount on travel alongside a host of other discounts for partner organisations across NI including a range of social, leisure and lifestyle activities.

Maeve Nethercott, Brand Representative at Translink, said: “yLink is fast becoming a must-have card amongst young people who are increasingly aware of the importance of choosing sustainable travel options that don’t cost the earth or their wallet!  We know young people are particularly impacted by the cost of living crisis and this card is a great way to make those limited funds go a bit further.

“We have also brought in innovations such as contactless payment technology across Metro, Glider and rail, and our cashless mLink app allows users to add their yLink card to their virtual wallet to make it really easy to travel and save.”

Chloe Ferguson, NUS-USI President, added, “Students are having to deal with greater costs, year-on-year, so any saving for essentials like travel are to be welcomed. Our student members are also acutely aware of the climate crisis and the important role sustainable transport plays in tackling this. With this in mind, we’re keen to promote greater use of public transport to help build positive habits which make a lasting difference and would encourage all young people to make use of a free yLink card to start benefitting from cheaper travel.” 

Carrie Fleming from Northern Regional College said “We are delighted that Translink are offering all our students at Northern Regional College a massive 50% off all bus and rail travel with the yLink card. A perfect welcome back to all our students, the yLink card has a range of discounts available to all 16-23 years olds using Translink services within Northern Ireland.”

To find out more about Translink’s yLink card and how to apply, as well as details of exclusive discounts and partner initiatives, visit www.translink.co.uk/yLink